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It's JULY 4th! Happy Birthday America! The United States has gotten bad press over the past few years but thankfully were the greatest country this world has ever seen. The financial markets are down but remember that the ENTIRE world feeds off of us. Thus, the world economy needs us more than we need them. So if your couffers are still low from the collapse, rest assured that most of the world is in much worse shape than you. Even CHINA!
The states abroad have negative feelings about how we handle ourselves in their countries. Remember that we are considered one of the "Grown Ups" in the world and are obligated to watch over our little chicklings as they development and fight for position with the world powers. Remember that the US fights for those who are unable to fight for themselves. Other countries may dislike us but MOST couldn't survive without us. Remind the American bashing on us because MSNBC told them it was true. Do them a favor and buy them a ticket to Ecuador (So called developed country) and ask them to document their travels especially how they like the goats on the landing field.
Last but certainly not least I'm tired of people asserting that we'll all be speaking Mandarin in the next decade or so. The Chinese economy is currently 20% of the US economy. They are growing extremely fast because they are CHEAP and no other reason. China is trying to become a PLAYA on the world stage. Here's why they WON'T pass AMERICA in my life time (I'm 27).
1) They can't continue to control everything. Communism or even quasi communism doesn't work and inevitably fails. Countries need control over their Peeps and in order to do so they use A) Fear and Violence or B) provide the ability to live a happy life. China can't kill their people without the world being turned off and investing their money elsewhere. Especially, if they want to run with the big boy United States. Thus, they have to provide a happy life for their Peeps. Currently, inflation is BOOMING in China as they are requiring almost 30% down to purchase a home. They are in the midst of a housing bubble and it's going to POP within 24 months. What does this mean? That means that peoples standard of living is decling because CHINA doesn't want to increase wages to it's peeps.
With the emerging wealth in the countries business sector people are realizing the power of business and commerce and more importantly their individual rights that empower them to be a part of said commerce. Thus, cheap laborers have started protesting for higher wages (It's already happening). It follows, that the qausi communist party gives a little to keep them happy aka to stay in control. Because if they don't then the citizens lose faith in qausi communism and start looking to other political powers. This process continues until their is a democracy. China is speeding up it's own political development via it's economy.
2) If more laborers protest for higher wages then the cost to produce products increases. Therefore, CHINA products are no longer cheap. Why is China's economy growing so fast? Because they offer the cheapest products in the world. THAT IS ALREADY in jeopardy and will continue to be as the country develops. Their economy has slowed because of recent inflation and wage hikes for employees. That will only increase as time passes slowing their economy to that of the worlds average pace. Thus, US will still hold a commanding lead.
3) They (China) FORCE all investors, individual and professional, to invest ONLY in Chinese investments. Which means that they don't allow their Peeps to invest in companies like GE or Facebook in the US. So 100% of money made in China stays in China. Well, that will change as PEEPS in China are already complaining about this. If their the most powerful country in the world then why can't their Peeps think for themselves? Thus, the people start to become unhappy (See step 1 above) and the cycle begins. Eventually, China will have to allow foreign investment and common sense says that the Chinese investors don't keep 100% of their eggs in one basket. Just common sense to diversify. Thus, China takes another economical hit.
What's my point? China is not the shit! The US is the shit and this is so despite being at it's lowest point in almost a century. We are still the leading power financially, economically, and military wise and will continue to be for some time. The transition of power won't happen in my life nor yours. So drink a beer, eat a hotdog, and get laid. Today's everyone's birthday!
If your from another country and reading this your probably thinking, "typical American ass." Normally, I don't run around screaming how great we are. Normally, when traveling abroad I mind my P's and Q's and respect the local culture and speak the local language. However, today is our day. No matter how you look at it were still the shit and will continue to be for some time. Whats that? Our debt? Puhleezee! The Obamacare will never be instituted. Social Security isn't a complex issue as it's only a 7% gap in solvency. The USPS becomes profitable by simply eliminating delivery on Friday and Saturdays. We are transitioning out of southern Europe/Asia and allocating our resources to the Mexican border thereby reducing Military Operational Cost. We are in the midst of reducing government funding and restructuring programs and entitlement programs. I'm sorry but when the world actively roots against us it's nothing more than "Penis Envy". Ours is bigger. Sure Russia and China could dump their US holdings and hurt us financially. But WHAT? WHATS THAT? They need us just as much as we need them? You mean to say that the US is intertwined throughout most of the global powers? Geeeee.....what a coincidence. Wonder how that happened? Either A) some peeps were riding the coat tails of others or B) some peeps didn't realize that they got in bed with someone who had long term backup plans. I'd apologize but like most of our country were tired of doing so via Obama. We're not sorry. We're have nothing to be sorry about. We took our turn in developing the world. You had Mesopotamia Iraq, Persians Iran, Egypt, China, Greeks, Romans, England,and now the US. I don't here any of the other dominate countries of this world apologizing. Eventually, someone will take their turn but not during my life time.
Happy Birthday America!
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